Here's another card using a different penguin image from the Wintry Wishes Hostess stamp set.
I stamped the penguin with Black ink, then coloured his earmuffs and stripes on his scarf with a Crystal Blue marker.
Then I added some Stardust Glitz Glitter Gel to the snowball and his earmuffs for a little sparkle.
Happy creating! :)
Supplies used (all CTMH unless otherwise noted):
Paper: Frosted B&Ts; Slate, Colonial White, Crystal Blue CS
Stamp: Wintery Wishes Hostess stamp set
Ink: Black, Champagne
Marker: Crystal Blue
Embellishments: Bling Button, White Embroidery Floss
Punches: Pine Bough and Drippy Goo Border (MS)
Other: 3D foam tape, Stardust Glitz Glitter Gel, Sponge