Pink Fire Pointer Sparkle and Shine Christmas Card Workshop

Sparkle and Shine Christmas Card Workshop

Upcoming Sparkle and Shine Christmas Card Workshop!

We will be using paper from the Sparkle and Shine papers, creating 5 Christmas cards.

In case it is hard to read on the photo collage above, here's the info:

When:  Saturday, November 16th

Time:  1:30 -3:30 pm

Where:  13413 Sunnyside Cove, Charlie Lake, BC

Cost:  $15

Space is limited.  Please contact me ASAP to reserve your spot.

I will be offering a limited number of kits, so if you can't make it to the class or if you are not local, please contact me to purchase.  Additional shipping costs apply.


*** If you are a fellow CTMH Consultant interested in using my Sparkle and Shine Christmas Cards Workshop for teaching your own classes, please contact me directly.

I have emailed every CTMH Consultant back who has contacted me.  But I've had a few emails bounce back to me, so if you have not yet received a reply, please add my email address into your email contact list, and then send me an email again.   Or you can check out my post on the CTMH Bulletin Boards under Artwork, and you will find a direct link there.